of Commerce Economics and Statistics Administration U.S. ^ Puerto Rico:2010:population and housing unit counts.pdf (PDF).^ "Table 2 Population and Housing Units: 1960 to 2000" (PDF).^ Census of Population, 1960: Number of Inhabitants, General Population Characteristics, General Social and Economic Characteristics, and Detailed Characteristics.^ "Table 4-Area and Population of Municipalities Urban and Rural: 1930 to 1950" (PDF).^ "Table 3-Population of Municipalities: 1930 19" (PDF).War Department Office Director Census of Porto Rico.

^ "Report of the Census of Porto Rico 1899".Entries include, name, place of residence, relationship to the head of household, gender, colour, age, marital status, nativity, citizenship, occupation and industry.

Informe sobre el censo de Puerto Rico, 1899, United States. Puerto Rico Social & Population Schedules (1935-1936) Digital images, searchable by a name index, of over 1.7 million inhabitants of Puerto Rico.